上海外灘是上海租界區也是整個上海近代城市開發的起點。在1843年以前,這裡還是黃浦江邊的一片泥灘。1844年起這一帶被劃為英國租界英國人使用這塊地區作為碼頭,不久這裡開設了最早的一批洋行,其中最有實力的是英資公司怡和洋行(Jardine Matheson & Co.,外灘27號)、寶順洋行(Dent & Co.,外灘14號)、老沙遜洋行(David Sasson and Sons Company,外灘24號),以及美資的旗昌洋行(Russell & Co.,外灘9號)。1848年在這裡鋪築了馬路和加固了江岸。這條馬路的名稱「Bund」至今為止是西方國家對上海外灘的稱呼。

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威爾史密斯和兒子對話的經典橋段,例如:一早打算出去賣掉一台醫療儀,結果回家的時候,因為追回遺失的醫療儀,所以他的兒子跟他說:Don't you forget? You can't bring one,but you bring two,超幽默的童言童語。



Don't let somebody tell you can't do it.

You get a dream, you have to protect it.

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It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.

那你就不能錯過玉米雞之意外跨文化劇團五月的新戲, 一齣顛覆你慣性思考的黑色喜劇!


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Earthquakes & Tsunamis

Much of what people talk about in day-to-day life revolves around current events, whether local or worldwide. In the past few weeks, there has been much talk about a series of events that caught the attention and concern of many people: earthquakes. Recently, there have been major earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, and in the previous year, many other nations dealt with the destruction earthquakes and tsunamis bring. Let’s learn a little bit about these natural disasters and what we can do to protect ourselves.

Earthquakes are caused by movements of the earth. The surface of the earth is made up of tectonic plates, like sections of a puzzle. They move around and bump into one another, and sometimes if one moves a lot, it causes an earthquake. Places where these plates come together are called faults. Most earthquakes occur along these fault lines, which is why some places seem to have earthquakes regularly, while other places never do. If the movement of the plates is very small, the earthquake might not even be noticeable, but if it is very large, it can be very destructive. The recent earthquake in Honshu, Japan was the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900. These extremely large earthquakes can also cause another frightening disaster: a tsunami. How?

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但這一切卻讓你視做理所當然,當遲了十分鐘就要忍受你那千金公子哥/千 金大 小姐的火爆脾氣,朋友都說:我是何苦來哉!父母沒有義務要擔任孩子的廉價司機,想當年我們因為阿公阿嬤工作忙碌,根本沒有人可以接送,用腳走完年少歲月的求學之路,下雨天就穿雨衣雨鞋,雨傘還算是高級品(因為耗損率太高了),跟你道盡我們的求學之路,卻換來你睥睨的眼神,直嚷嚷著時代不同了,彷彿我是活在古代的SPP,那眼神、口氣讓我的心抽痛了一下,卻只安慰自己,這或許只是叛逆期。


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