“人道關懷 行善天下”
‘Reach Within to Embrace Humanity’ is2011-12 RI theme
國際扶輪新聞 - 2011 年1 月17 日
By Joseph Derr
Rotary International News -- 17January 2011
國際扶輪社長當選人葛爾揚.潘乃傑在加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的國際講習會上宣布2011-12 年度國際扶輪主題。
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjeeannounces the 2011-12 RI theme during the International Assembly in San Diego , California .
國際扶輪社長當選人葛爾揚.潘乃傑要求扶輪社員在2011-12 扶輪年度當中去【人道關懷行善天下】。
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjeewill ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the2011-12 Rotary year.
在 2011 年國際講習會的開幕式全體會議,一場為了下屆地區總監的培訓活動當中潘乃傑推出了國際扶輪主題。
Banerjee unveiled the RI theme duringthe opening plenary session of the 2011 International Assembly, atraining event for incoming
district governors.
He urged participants to harnesstheir inner resolve and strength to achieve success inRotary.
"In order to achieve anything in thisworld, a person has to use all the resources he can draw on. Andthe only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves,"Banerjee said.
Once Rotarians find their innerstrength, he continued, they can accomplish great things in theircommunities and around the world.
"Discover yourself, develop thestrengths within you, and then unhesitatingly, unflinchingly, goforth and encircle the world, to embrace humanity," he said.
潘乃傑強調家庭是作為一個服務他人的起點。『我們生活的社區中都沒有建立個人的家庭– 家庭是在家裡生活在一起,分享他們的生活和他們的資源和他們的共同命運。好的家庭會帶來好鄰居,而好的鄰里會建立好的社區。』
Banerjee emphasized the family as astarting point in serving others. "The communities we live in arenot built of individual people but offamilies -- families living in homestogether, sharing their lives and their resources and their commondestinies. Good families lead to good neighborhoods, and goodneighborhoods build good communities."
Rotarians can focus on projects thatsupport families, such as those that provide safe housing orimprove maternal and child health, he said.
Continuity in Rotary’s work,including polio eradication, is also important, Banerjee said."There are so many things we are indeed goodat: working for clean, safe water;spreading literacy; working in so many ways with the NewGenerations, our youth, in our newest Avenue of Service and assisting them tobecome the leaders of tomorrow."
Citing Mahatma Gandhi’s call to "bethe change you wish to see in the world," Banerjee said Rotariansshould also focus on change.
"If we wish for peace, we start byliving in peace ourselves, in our homes and in our communities," heexplained. "If we wish
environmental degradation to stop, ifwe wish to reduce child mortality or to prevent hunger, we must bethe instrument of that change -- and recognize that it must startwithin us, with each of us."
該主題激發了滿屋子的扶輪社領導人,包括,總監當選人3250 地區(印度)Jogesh 甘比爾。
The theme inspired the roomful ofRotary leaders, including Jogesh Gambhir, governor-elect ofDistrict 3250 ( India ).
“It is a touching theme, but alsovery purposeful and meaningful,”saidGambhir.“I’m sure we can inspire theclubs into action to solve the problems in the community. That’s theultimate goal of Rotary.”
『我無法已無字來形容它是多麼的了不起。對我來說,他是正確的並且一起編織美麗的一切,6290 地區(加拿大部分安大略省和美國密歇根州)總監當選人吉英.米勒說。』當這位男人是社長時,我很高興能成為一位地區總監。
“There are no words for me todescribe how remarkable it was. To me, hewas right on and weaved everythingtogether beautifully," said Jane Millar,governor-elect of District 6290(parts of Ontario , Canada , and Michigan , USA ). "I am so thrilled to be adistrict governor when this man is president.
“I loved the focus on family,continuity, and change," she added. "Family is the center ofeverything, and not just our immediate family. It’salso about the family of Rotary andthe world as one big family."